Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Totally cool having a child for Halloween, makes it so much fun!!  Ryan was diagnosed with croup and strep throat, poor baby, on Tuesday, he started antibiotics at 2pm and he was contagious for another 24 hours, which expired just in time to pull out the lion, snap some pics with the neighbors, and take a trip around the block for his very 1st Halloween!!  It was just sooo cute!!  He liked watching all the kids run around in their crazy costumes and loved looking at and touching all the lights people decorated with.  Grandma came over for his first Halloween and took him up to a door even to pretend tricker treat!!! n We had so much fun!!
Pre-Lion outfit
Yay Gma joined us!!
Fam Pic
Ryan with his friends!!!
Staying warm and strolling around
How ya doing buddy boy!?!?
Lights Lights Lights!!!
Grandma brought him his bucket and gave him some puffs, he always got the kit kat for mommy at the house he tricker treated at!!!  Love my boy!
Mommys little lion...rrrrrrroar!!!

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