Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 days of 1

With Thanksgiving this month and so much to be thankful for I am going to take this 30 day challenge and do it every day!! 

Day 1:  Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, and blogging are my favorites and I use them each for such different things. 

Facebook more than anything gives me something to do.  As we know my mind goes 100 miles per minute and I can't just sit and always have to be doing something.  At work when I have finished everything, at home when I'm sitting on the couch, and all the time in between facebook is always wanting to play with me.  I also geuinely enjoy looking at everyone's pictures and seeing what they are up to and watching their adorable little kids grow up.  Can you imagine living without facebook?!?!  I def CAN'T!

Twitter is one that I am just kinda getting into, started at the SHRM conference in June.  This was the most amazing thing I had ever tried to rap my head around...I would just follow #SHRM12 and I knew everything that was going on for the conference, socially, and everything in between.  When I would go to sessions, every one had a hash tag and the speakers each had their own tweeters putting all of the notes on that hash tag.  So high on twitter I came back and immediately started our works twitter account, follow us @aaccareers, yay!  I did really find it super neat that I could follow Wiggins and keep up with her time and where she was through twitter while she was running the marine corp marathon, so cool!   What a neat tool!

And my blog, I just love my blog all of them.  I have one for Perfectly Planned for obvious reasons.  I have one for Ryan - Ryans BLOG - because I couldn't find the time when I was home on maternity leave to make a baby book and had a ton of pics, here I can post them in one place and all of our friends and family can watch him grow every day almost, I have a TON of pictures.  And then I have my blog which I have been doing for a few years now.  I just love writing and had never had an outlet to do so.  I like writing what I am thinking, writing to remember memories, a place to write about my experiences.  When I write things down my mind stops racing and I move onto the next thing!  This is also a great way for me to record my memories with my thoughts at that exact time and then pictures to go with it- awesome!!

So this 1st day of my challenge I am thankful for Social Media!!

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