Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30 days of Thankful...Day 14

Day 14: My Doggies

Callie and Rocco have kinda taken a back seat with Ryan coming into our lives because there is always something that needs to be done for him there isn't much time to sit and just pet the doggies as there used to be.  While we told ourselves going into this we would never be those people, we found like everyone else it's impossible.  The reason is because Dogs are AWESOME.  They love everyone and they especially love little babies that need all this attention so they are understanding and they take full advantage of the little attention they do still get.  The other night Callie was limping, my heart dropped as it always does when there is something wrong with her, and she came right over to me because she was hurt, somethings will never change like the love for your dog.  Callie and Rocco are two of the best and they are just the best companions we could have ever asked for.  I love them both so much!

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