Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 days of Thankful...Day 15

Day 15: Our Neighborhood

So yesterday in my effort to figure out how on earth working moms have time for everything like working out I posted something on facebook asking...I got a ton of comments, mostly from moms that go to the gym at o-dark-hundred before the craziness of a day with child and full time job begins.  I almost felt ridiculous that I complain that I never have time to work out because I don't want to get out of bed when all the super moms have already worked out.  Well this morning the alarm went off at 5:50 and I was at the gym by 6am, fast right!!  So right then I was like, WOW I am so lucky the gym is so close, as some of the moms said they had to drive 10 and 20 minutes to get to one.  Then I even went further with my thoughts while I was running on the treadmill, I am so thankful for our neighborhood on the whole.

Brambleton is such a great place to live.  It's clean, it's new, its totally family friends, and has so much going on for kids.  It's exactly the same as the neighborhood I grew up in and couldn't ask for a better place to raise my kids.  The restaurants are wonderful although they should open a real sushi one hehe :)

Our Neighbors!!!  We are SOOOO lucky!!  Our Neighbors are our friends, and really good friends at that.  We have the best neighbors.  There are a ton of families just like us, young, starting families, but stilllllll trying to hold on to that "we're young and wanna have fun" mentality as long as we can!  We get together all of the time, during the weeks for dinner, group dates to the movies, and on the weekends to cookout, sit in the street with our monitors and enjoy a few cocktails, watch Tech games on the's just awesome!!!

So there ya have it.  I am obsessed with and very THANKFUL for Brambleton and especially our neighbors!!!

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