Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 days of Thankful...Day 13

I am SOO SOOO SOOOOO VERY thankful for my son, my baby, my little miracle...Ryan Christopher!!!

Dear Ryan-

This 10th month has been FULL of everything, literally.  Let's see...you're moving and moving fast, whole new ball game!  You have an entire floor of toys and you still have your eyes set on the curtains, the fire place, and any cord you can get your hands on.  You also love to stand and cruise around the house in your walker like race car driver.  You laugh and laugh and laugh and it's just the best sound I have ever heard.  Your personality is contagious and you are just the coolest little guy!!  You are totally laid back, very curious, maybe even a little sensitive and totally in LOVE with your mom and dad.  The excitement we get every time we walk in the door is just amazing.  
You are in size 4 diapers, size 12-18 months clothes and size 3 shoes, and have 5 and a half teeth that are sharp.  You are in your new car seat which you seem to like much better and are way more comfortable.  You eat everything!  Breakfast is cheerios and oatmeal and a bottle, Lunch is a baby food 3 with any leftovers from dinner the night before and a bottle, afternoon snack is yogurt and an applesauce, and for dinner you get a real meal to accompany your baby food which you seem to be hating more and more everyday, I guess once you get real food you never go back.  Mostly we do chicken and green beans, Gma gave you scalloped tatos when you stayed over there and you were obsessed, and you always gets puffs which are the only way to keep you from screaming while we make your dinner ha!  We did find out you don't like the baby food mixture of zuchinni and broccoli- go figure!  Sleeping is so so, I would say every 3rd - 4th night you wake up multiple times for long periods...  Between teething, nightmares, and??? you wake up a lot.  We try everything and when everything doesn't work you spend some time in bed with us which is terrible and a very bad habit butttttt we gotta work so we need sleep.  Hopefully this doesn't last long ha!
This month you had so many wonderful experiences.  You got to meet a new friend Ellie who was in from California, we can't wait to go visit them in their neck of the woods.  We spent fabulous afternoon at Cox Farms with the Robins family.  This place is literally amazing and I can't wait to take you every year from now on, so many things for kids to do.  You experienced a few more Tech and Redskins losses, Hurricane Sandy, and your very first sickness.  You had your first temp, strep throat, and croup cough.  This was terrible and so sad, you had never coughed with all that stuff in your throat before which I know is so painful and you would just cry in pain every time you coughed, have never seen you so sad and upset.  Poor little man, but as soon as you got meds, our little guy was back.  And how could we forget your very first Halloween!!!  You dressed up as the cutest little lion I have ever seen.  We had moms group where you all dressed up, there were lots of tears.  Then for Halloween Gma came over and we all went around the neighborhood with the neighbors.  I love having my baby, this was so much fun!!  You loved watching all your friends run around in their crazy costumes and you really loved all the orange lights at everyone's houses.
You are SO MUCH FUN!!  You play ring-around-the-rosy and fall down on your own, you clap your hands mostly when you get your food in your own mouth, and talk a lot, still not any words that I can really make out just blahblahblahblah, and are just an awesome cuddle bug, the best hugs!!  We are now working on blowing kisses, so cute!  It seems every day this month you grew and conquered something new.  You are such a little boy now!!
We love you so much!!

Mommy and Daddy

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