Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Let's Juice....Kale?!?!

I had never ever heard of Kale prior to getting into Juicing.  Turns out it is super cheap and actually tastes good in that you don't really taste it at all and it is loaded with nutrients.

Benefits of Juicing Kale
Some of the beneys:

It's Low Calorie which is always important when you are trying to detox or lose weight.  Using kale in your juice blends is that it provides a large nutritional punch with one of the fewest calorie counts per cup of any other vegetable. In fact, juicing a cup of kale is only going to add an estimated 36 calories to your diet. according to the My Daily Plate calorie tool.
Kale is also a rich source of the carotenoid and phytonutrient lutein, a natural antioxidant that can increase the health of both your eyes by blocking the potential damage that can be done by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. Lutein may also help improve the health of your skin, states the Lutein Information Bureau.
Kale is also a substantial source of vitamin K, with 1 cup providing an estimated 1,327 percent of your daily needs of the vitamin. Vitamin K is most associated with providing your blood with the ability to clot in order to help stop the bleeding when your skin is cut or broken.

Juicing kale can also provide you with a substantial amount of vitamin A, with an estimated 192 percent of your daily value found in a single cup of kale. Vitamin A is essential for vision health, as well as maintaining healthy skin.
Vitamin C is also abundant in kale, which can be accessed through juicing this vegetable. A single cup of kale can provide you with an estimated 89 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for keeping your body tissues healthy, such as your muscles and skin, as well as can help your body resist infection.
Kale is also a rich source of calcium, which can be beneficial for those who need calcium sources outside of milk-based products. Calcium is essential for strong and healthy bones, and is needed for the contraction of muscles, the conduction of nerve pulses and several other processes in the body.
Kale is packed full of other vitamins and minerals outside of those discussed, including manganese, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B

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