Monday, September 17, 2012

Cucumbers make me feel FRESH!!!

This past month and a half has been amazing, we have been to Sandbridge, Hatteras, and just returned from Tampa!!  All such great trips which of course means they were full of unhealthy apps, splurging way more than often, and an absurd amount of adult beverages....I think my body hates me!!  Answer- another juicing cleanse.  This time I am trying to stick more with vegetables rather than fruits and even trying new things I regularly hate- beet roots, ginger, etc etc...soooo while I'm trying to down these juice concoctions I have been reading on the benefits of all these super yummy (ha!) veggies!!

Today, and everyday, my focus was on cucumbers!  I have no specific recipe that I like more than others with cucumbers because I typically add at least a half of cucumber to every juice I make, they make so much juice and add a light refreshing flavor!

Cucumbers are so healthy!!  They are great for your skin, being so high in antioxidants and vitamin C, which make it a useful ingredient for treating skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, subburn, acne and even puffiness or swelling.  Cucumber juice is actually found in many beauty creams.  Cucumber juice is just as effective drinking as it is rubbing it against your wonder people sleep with cucumbers on their eyes!!!!  
Juicing cucumbers is also awesome for your hair!  Cucumber juice promotes hair growth due to its silicon and sulfur content.  Cucumbers also contain a ton of other ingredients including potassium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus.
Cucumbers are one of the most popular for weight loss as they are about 96% water, which when turned into juice you are left with vitamins in a pure liquid state. 
Cucumber juice is also often used in cleansing the body and can help to lower blood pressure, strengthen connective tissues, dissolve kidney stones and alleviate arthritis.

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