Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Juicing...Day 3

So today I woke up at 7:15 (on my own thank goodness cuz Ryan was still sound asleep) in such an amazing mood.  I am not even kidding I feel awesome!  I am 5lbs down from Monday morning, love seeing results, and really just feeling totally rejuvenated.  I am starting to feel obsessed with juicing and even contemplating taking the juicer and all my ingredients to my friends lake house this weekend, would that make me a total loser?  I am sure you can just add vodka to the juices and get the same effect right?!?!  haha

Planning for the day:

Started off this morning the same as the others with the preworkout rush, I even added a little more lime this time to switch it up- sooo yummy.

2nd Juice was Good Morning Greens

This time nooooo celery and I LOVED it!!

3rd Juice was my fave the Pineapple cooler, this is just so refreshing!!! 

Afternoon Check in- I feel awesome and have so much energy, yes even more than normal.  My boss actually just asked me if I was putting crack in my juice, haha she loves my energy and enthusiasm!! 

Dinner- Again a salad.  Dad was in town for the night so Chris and I met him at Sweet Greens (thank you boys for being so accommodating to my salad thing) and I have the avocado Green Salad.  It was amazing sooo good.  If you haven't been to Sweet Greens you should go, right next to Jacksons at Reston Town Center.
Great great great day!! 

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