Thursday, July 19, 2012

Juicing...Day 4

Now I am totally hooked OMG!!!  6.5 pounds down this morning in 1 week and I know what you are thinking, "won't you just gain it all back once you start eating."  And yes that is probably the case but I absolutely love juicing.  Quick results and I have found a few juices that I really really really like and would love to keep up with as a part of my normal diet.  That is always the challenge right is keeping the weight off after you lose it, seems thats always the struggle.  The solution is a full lifestyle change rather than just a month here and there.  This is my goal, just to be overall healthier, of course that has been my goal and I have struggled with it and weight loss for about the last 10-13 years, but hey there's no time like the present right!!

Same routine this morning, gotta start off with my sweet Pre-Workout Rush, loaded with fruit, makes me so happy on my drive into work!!!

Mid Day I went back to the Orange Broccoli although this time I added a half of a very large cucumber...LOVE IT!!
1 broccoli spear...4 carrots...2 apples (I used Gala)...Half of a large Cucumber (BKing's own addition) 

I really liked this one this time, the orange thing didn't gross me out quite like the last one and since I love cucumbers I think those helped! 

Finished off the workday with a Pineapple Cooler, my Fave and ended the night with a Good Morning Greens.

Then I decided I would keep on juicing through the weekend and got allllllll the stuff in order.


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