Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Juicing...Day 2

Juicing takes a lot of planning and a LOT of vegetables goodness, we are headed back to the store today for more ingredients.  This morning I washed everything, water and vinegar, then packed up different tupperwares with the ingredients for each juice.

BONUS- Started off this morning 2lbs lighter than yesterday whoo hoo!!

Started off the morning the same as yesterday, if you like some stick to it!!
Pre-workout Rush- yummmmyy
2 Peeled Kiwi's...4 Pieces of Kale...1/2 Lime...2 Apples...6 large Strawberries.

Second Juice around 11am, at work, I tried a new one.  Pineapple Cooler and I LOVE it!!!
Recipe calls for 1/3 a pineapple..a handful of your favorite greens, I chose Spinnach and one thing of Kale..and some mint leaves...I also added 3 strawberries, a cucumber, and some blueberries= DELISH!!!

Mid Day Check In: So far today I am feeling a lot better than yesterday.  Not dizzy yet, feeling satisfied- not full, peeing a ton (sorry if TMI), and overall just refreshed!

The Pineapple Cooler was so delicious I decided to do it again, that was my Juice #3 of the day!

Juice #4 Good Morning Greens

3 Leaves of Curly Kale...1 Kiwi - not too soft peeled...1 Granny Smith Apple...Optional - 2 Celery Stalks - I just went with one celery and that is all I taste, I hate Celery!!!

I did have a small salad again tonight, no chicken though and a few pretzel crips ooops!

All in all a good day.  I def feel a little bit "cleaner" and refreshed but I am not feeling super skinny or busting with energy...hopefully that is coming soon!

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