Monday, July 16, 2012

Juicing...Day 1

Started off the day with the Pre-Workout Rush
2 Peeled Kiwi's...4 Pieces of Kale...1/2 Lime...2 Apples...6 large Strawberries

This was a lovely green mixture and actually tasted great.  Loaded with fruit = sugar, good way to start off!!

2nd juice of the day was Orange Broccoli 
4 carrots...2 apples...1 broccoli spear 

This was orange, very interesting, not as good at Juice 1 but still not as bad as I was expecting.

3rd Juice of the day was Mineralizer with a Zing
1 bunch of kale...4 carrots...1/2 a cucumber...2 stalks celery...1 apple...1 lemon

Again Orange, and not so bad!  The carrots and apples keep things sweet!

Overall- I did it for a day, I am still alive, the juice isn't as bad as I was expecting going into this, certainly no where near a juicy cheeseburger but I am focused on my goal!  For dinner I did have a salad with some chicken because I was feeling light headed which is apparently normal.  I do feel a bit refreshed but today kinda tired, I guess that's what happens when you cuz your calorie in take in at least half.

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