Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free time

While I had a blast this season coaching the little girls,  this week has been amazing!!  No practices, no games, no parents emails, no nothing...well except ME time!!!

Monday I went to the gym...surprised my membership card still worked!!!!  Ran 1 mile without stopping whoo hoo, walked at a 12 incline for .5 miles, then 6.5 incline for .5 miles- thats right...working those buns!!  And then I did the whole sprint .25 miles on like 8.0 and then walk/jog for .25 miles and repeat for the last of the 3 miles!!!

Tuesday I did my Jillian 30 day shred level 2 AND could barely walk the next day, and using the potty- well that was interesting OUCH!!!  I don't mean to be rude but Jillian is a bit*h and I love it!!!
And tonight, Wed we had a bball game (the one we play in) and won which puts the "Has Beens" into the playoffs, but before that Chicken Rigatoni and Garlic Bread mmmmm carbs!!!!

YES it was as good as it looks....Needless to say I will be eating salads all day tomorrow!!  Oh crap...but we are going to the CAPS game tomorrow night....

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