Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nice lil Saturday....

After a crazy busy week we figured ...why stop for the weekend.  Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to start taping our bedroom...It's painting time....


After we finished the first coat it was goodbye Christmas....sooo sad :(, we had such a great Christmas, stinks when you have to pack it all up...
I told ya I love love love all of your Christmas cards with pictures of your families,babies, dogs etc etc...these will remain up all year...thank you for all the other cards as well, unfortunately they don't make the fridge :)
Andddd back to painting!!!  one more coat and we are done....This is not the color we were expecting, buttttt it kinda growing on us...Kinda reminds us of yoohoo, ya know the chocolate milk???
We also had our first basketball game tonight, Chantilly Fury (our team) vs Vienna, IN ALEXANDRIA...88 miles roundtrip for this game.  We don't really need to discuss the details of the game...Whitney and I did return home to a house full of some of my favorite people, a ton of food, and a nice glass of wine :)

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