Friday, January 7, 2011

and thats what they call starting the year off with a BANG....

Craazzzzzzy week, Insane/Amazing/Emotional/Draining/Exciting/Challenging/Motivating/Frustrating/Everything way to begin the new year... not looking for sympathy just justifying my wine intake for the evening....
New Job and soooooooooo much to learn considering I haven't done anything with HR to this point, and I am learning/taking over on a week that my recruiter is out of town on a cruise...super JEAL :)

**Anyone who knows me knows that the not knowing and therefore not being good at what I am doing is driving me baaaaazurk, so I have spent all of my "free"(relative term) time of course working...
I NEED this book S-T-A-T...
3 basketball practices for my 10&U girls- sun/mon/thurs nights- I go straight to the gym from work...change in the car...YES all of my clothes remain in my car for daysssss until of course I need to wear them again

**Soooo practices this week were preparing for our hardest match up against Vienna on Sat and another tough match up on Sunday, YES for me they were extra stressful...I wish I didn't need to win so much and could just have fun

The "Has Beens" which is our adult co-ed basketball team, consisting of my immediate and extended family including Stevie, BJ, and Kara played a game on Wed night...these games are fun for me, I love playing basketball buttttt when your schedule is insane having something/anything to do is just kind of annoying, but regardless mark me down for 12 points holla!!   Debs took pics this past week- will post those later for your enjoyment...
Perfectly Planned- this is awesome news, this week we have two new clients with weddings this fall, sooooo excited for these brides and can't wait to be there and help with their perfect wedding days....lots of admin work this past week...after practice...after dinner, perfectly planned contracts!!!  this week= 2 contracts and 4 package inquiries :)

Team America- the 7.0 mixed double tennis team I captain- yes that is correct, season started THIS week soooo I have had a GAAAAAzillion emails to respond to and line ups to send out and money to collect to get this gig started

I asked for "help"- Alert the presses- I think I actually had more than I could possibly handle on my plate soooo I even asked Whitney if she would coordinate our soccer team, roster due 1st week of February, need players, anyone interested???

And Lastly, let me tell you about my hatred for incompetent people....I spent at least 4.5 hours (of time I obviously didn't have) on the phone, and 3 hours in the car driving at the wee hours of the morning and during rush hour on a Friday afternoon, and total frustration because pharmacists, insurance companies, and the other 15 people we had on a conference call with are completely stoooooopid and can't figure out how to get their patients the medicine they asked for on time....
OHHHH Friday, you couldn't have come soon enough...HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!

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