Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dear Callie,

Happy 8th Birthday Callie Wallie Princess!!!! Aka CWP!!!
When I first got you, my world turned upside down, I have never loved anything so much (okay let's be realistic, yes family and friends I love you too).  You were the first thing I have ever had to take care of, legitimately, YOUR life depended on me, craaaazy.  Being responsible for another life, in college at that, let's just say we are both lucky we made it through.
I think we have moved in and lived in 6+ difference places together, the beach was by far both of our favorites :)

You have met, been friends with, and lived with over 30+ dogs so far in your lifetime, unfortunately for you, one has stood the test of time, and you have been a great big sister.  Teaching him all the cool stuff like how to eat your poo, love ice like it's a treat, not let anyone touch your paws, and although you BOTH love water to absolutely HATE the shower....
 We have had some good times....
 Anddddd some not so good ones, sorry about the whole shaving thing....eeeek
You are the funniest/weirdest/best/cutest/psychotic little pup I have ever met.  I love that "want wine" makes you come when called, "party" makes you smile, how you stand on my center console when you ride in the car and bat my hand to pet you constantly while driving, love how you lay on my desk at work, that you just love the clothes I put on you and actually pretend to like them, how you squeak and squeal when I come back from vacation, how you need me when you are sick or hurt, how you rip open your birthday and Christmas presents, how you can go 12+ hours without me letting you out and you don't even get mad, how you know my voice and when I am home and don't fall for other people's attempts to sound like your high pitched mother, how you ride in the cart at the container store, and all of the other crazy stuff you have done has always made me so happy to have you!!!
They say a dog is a (wo)man's best friend, and you have been every bit of that and and more to be in the 8 years we have been together.  You are truly my little princess even now with your terrible breath and old lady bumps I love you just as much as I did the first day we brought you home!!!  We are quite a pair and I just love you to pieces!!

1 comment:

Jenny and Doug said...

Hey Brooke! I've obviously been MIA from the blog world for a while, but I love your blog! Thanks for the was great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you! ps..little Callie is precious :)