Thursday, January 27, 2011

I spy with my little parked on the TOLL ROAD!!!!!

So Wednesday, Gov shuts down 2 hours early, I am sitting in my office just after 3:00 trying to finish some things so I can head home.  Eric was IMing me every 15 seconds demanding me to leave and then around 3:15 ice pellets start literally bouncing off my window...alrrrrrrrrrrighty then I am outta here.  Well what I didn't find out until later, the moment I left was the last of the survivors.  I had co-workers leave 15 minutes later, things didn't quite work out the same for them as they did for me.  While the streets were getting pelted with ice and get this....thunder snow haha, I was moving about 40mph down the toll road to make it home in just under an hour.  Those poor frineds and co-workers that left 15 minutes later....not so much.  Took them 8,9, and 10 hours to get home, putting them in their homes after 1AM!!!!!!!!  Holy cow, I have never heard of anything like this...and THANK GOODNESS I left when I did, because with my lack of patience I can ONLY imagine how that might have turned out.

So Thursday comes around, our streets are plowed, there was actually even a little tractor plowing the sidewalks, and the Gov is on a 2 hour delay!  I LOVE 2 hour delays, we slept in a bit, got up, cleaned some, started laundry, had a nice cup of coffee and some oatmeal, then got in the shower.  Got out of the neighborhood just fine, pulled on the Belmont Ridge, noticed a few maybe 5 cars just randomly parked and covered with snow from the plows.  I called Eric and we discussed how on earth the plow didn't hit all these cars and how crazy it was people just left their cars in the middle of the road.  But this was nothing compared to the TOLL ROAD!!!  OMG!!!  So on my way to work I was counting cars, I stopped at 30 because I forgot where I was counting, but there were cars EVERYWHERE.  Even in the lanes on the toll road!!!!  There were people dropping people off at their cars left from the night before, people along the sides of the toll road where cars go 60mph digging with shovels, their cars out of this mess.  I have NEVER seen anything quite like this craziness.

Random Car just PARKED on the side of the road, like where did this person go to when they left their car?????

Exit off Spring Hill, which is apparently a parking lot.  Look how nicely they are all lined up next to each other hahahah!    !

One of the not so lucky car abandoners, looks like the tow truck beat ya to it.
And here are some people running DOWN THE TOLL road to their car with a shovel.

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