Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years Eve!!!

2010 was a good year, I have a feeling 2011 is going to be even better...But you have to have goals, so here are the top 10!!!

Let's face it setting every day goals for an entire year and sticking to it is virtually impossible.  I was reading a fellow bloggers blog recently and noticed that she sets them a month at a time, making them that much more reachable and measurable more often!!  Everything is easier if you just have to do it for 30 days right???  I have 10 categories and will have a goal in each every month, here goes January...

1.LIFE:  For my safety and YOURS- absolutely no more, texting, reading texts/emails/gchats etc while behind the wheel of a car, YES that includes even at a stop light.  Therefore, if we are in the middle of a conversation and I disappear into thin air, you now know why!!

2. HEALTH: 2011 is the year of my 30th birthday, not 21st...this January good bye vino...well not totally because that would just be crazy, BUT I am now limiting myself to 3 (3oz) glasses PER week....

3. EXERCISE: Come spring time I want to be ready to get my run back on, therefore I am not going to put a number of times to the gym because my schedule is absolutely insane...goal: 10 miles on the treadmill per week!

4. MONEY:January is going to be the month of no, I repeast absolutely NO extra spending!!  After a Christmas like we just had, what else could we possibly need!!  Gas and Groceries it is, plus we get 5% cash back through Chase in Jan on those items!  

5. HABITS: No more nicotine, while I have quit smoking, I am talking Donezo this January.  No more drags, no more "only because I'm drinking," no more it's the 3rd Friday of the month, no no no bad Brooke!!

6. DIET: Starting the month off with the Cabbage soup/GM diet...this is just for a week to get the boost I need, then it's back to Weight Watchers, only now STRICT!!!  Goal: 7 pounds lighter January 31st.

7. MARRIAGE: I am going to be the absolutely best wife to Eric, and plan 3 surprises this month!  Since January is also no spending, light drinking month, I think Friday nights= date night IN!

8.WORK: I am going to work hard everyday, and my goal is going to be to learn at least 1 new thing EACH week of the month to expand my skill set. 

9. Other Important Relationships: Visit Gma and Papa Parker twice in the month of January.

10. FUTURE PLANNING: put money into savings!!!


Ashley said...

Good luck! Let us know how you do mid month!

The Kings said...

Thanks girl!! And Thanks for the idea of monthly resolutions!