Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy 2011

2011!!! mmmm I smell an amazing year!!! 

With the new year (which has been awesome so far) for me also came along a new job!!  Still at AAC, promoted to Human Resources/Recruiting Manager.  YES that is correct, I am now that manager of something I have no idea how to do...  Thank god I have an awesome team!!  Anywho, until I figure out all of this craziness my blogging will be limited and sporadic, tear :(

Eric and I wish all of you a healthy, prosperous (who played the lottery today??), HAPPY, and better than ever 2011!!!


Diana said...

Hey Brooke...

I am a friend of Eric's from highschool and I saw his post on FB about your blog. I blog too and love to read other blogs. I don't know if you know about blog2print.com or not... but it is a website that turns your blog into a book. I make one every year and it is so nice to have a hard copy of your posts. : ) Just thought you might like to know about it ...if you didn't already.

So glad to see that Eric found someone that makes him so happy. : )

Happy New Year! Diana Bradford

The Kings said...

Hi Diana!! Nice to meet you!! I love blogs too, what is yours?? We can follow each other! And that is amazing about the book, definitely going to do that!!