Monday, January 13, 2014

Gratitude .. Day 13 - My Little BUG is 2!!

Ryan!!  That's what I am SOOOOOOO grateful for!!

Dear Ryan,
How or what I ever did to deserve a kid that is so sweet, lovey, genuine, funny, smart, happy, and just all around absolutely amazing is beyond me!  Two years ago my world was turned complete upside down and I was changed forever.  I was a mom (finally) and had the most beautiful miracle which was you, Ryan.
So 2 years old, I can't believe it.  You are 29.8lbs (70th percentile), 37 inches (97th percentile), and your head remains the biggest at 20.5 inches (99th percentile).  I feel like you were born yesterday and then I feel like we have lived a life time together.  You are hilarious and know how to joke around, that in itself is hilarious watching you trying to be funny.  You are smart, you can basically have an entire conversation, you comprehend and can relate things in different settings.  You are beautiful, inside and out!  Of course you have your moments but you are sweet and loving and of course super cute!  Terrible two's don't scare me, I think it's going to be you growing and becoming who you are going to be and I am excited to try and shape that person.  I love watching your personality at work and grow and you are ALL boy!  Climbing on everything, crashing cars, getting muddy, throwing balls etc etc.
 When you say "I love you Mommy" my heart melts, when we cuddle and read your books I don't ever want the moment to end, when you come cuddle in the mornings are some of my most favorite times, and when we take baths every night those are my favorites!  You are such a special kid, everyone loves getting to spend time with you and looks forward to seeing you again!  I almost feel desperate to slow down time, or keep you just like this, or insure that I can remember how you are right now forever. 

You make me want to be a better person, you make me see the simple and little things in life, you show me what it's like to see only peace and love and happiness in the world.  Your little face is the sweetest little thing and one of your smiles can change any bad mood or bad day anyone is in.  Every day, every single one, you amaze me with the little boy you have and are becoming.  I can't wait to see what the future has for you and for us as a family, but I want to remember these moments forever.  I think the song "Let them stay little..." was talking about this time RIGHT NOW!!!  I am so grateful and thankful and everything I can possibly be that I was given this chance to be YOUR MOM!!!

Love always and forever and ever!!


~This is going to be my last every month posting, I doubt I'll be able to stay away long and I am not good with change as we all know so maybe i'll be back next month but I am not going to commit to every month past 2.  I will definitely keep track of anything we always want to remember though, which of course is EVERYTHING!!

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