Sunday, January 5, 2014

6 Months


Happy 6 months to the happiest baby I have literally ever seen.  You smile and the only time you aren't is when you want a bottle and you want it now.  Speaking of you are huge!!!  You have grown SOOOO much this month, can't wait to see your measurements on Wednesday.  You eat eat eat and then smile smile smile and repeat!!  You also started waking up in the middle of the night starving for another 8 ounces so we decided it was food time.  You are starting to get the hang of it but are so funny with your tongue when eating.

You went from size 1 diapers to size 2 to size 3 this months, told ya GROWING!!!  You "sleep" through the night, except for this last week, you have eaten sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas and love them all.  You squeak and squeal it's adorable.  You have rolled over a few times but not recently or consistently.  You don't really play with toys, you love to laugh at Ryan and have joined us in the bathtub every few nights where you kick kick kick!!  You love to stand or be held, not much of a sitter!  We moved you from the rock n play to totally committed to the crib, its going pretty well.  You wake up in the opposite direction at the other side of the crib every single time.  You keep your finger in your mouth the majority of the day and drool like crazy, I see the white and think a took is coming any days now.

You had your first Christmas and we such a trooper from family to family to family and a week in a pac n play at Papa and Grannys!  You are super chill and go with the flow and always smiling.  EXCEPT in your car seat, you absolutely hate that thing, soooo we switched that also, this morning to the convertible.  Of course you got so spoiled with all the family around and it was so cute!!

You are absolutely adorable and your smile and laugh are contagious and complete light up the room.  You are such a blessing and we could not be any luckier parents then to have you and Ryan.  We love you two more than words and more than we ever thought was possible and we are completely in love and in our happy spot.  We know everything is just a phase so even this waking up in the middle of the night is great and we cherish the extra time with you!!!

Love you long time!!

Momma and Dadda

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They look exactly alike!! So cute :)