Sunday, October 13, 2013

21 months

Dear Ry Ry,

You are just an absolutely amazing kiddo.  I see everything that comes with the terrible two's coming right down the path but when those temper tantrums and screaming episodes aren't occurring, you are just the most awesome little thing ever. 

Milestones- you can count to 10, we say 1, you say 2345678910- just so smart.  You say "I love you mommy" and I seriously can't get enough of that.  You know please, thank you, and you're welcome but don't say those as much as you should- we'll get there.  You hate sharing, but who wouldn't, I still have problems in that area.  Size 5 diapers, size 6 light up shoes- they're a BIG hit, size 24 and some 2T clothes, sleeping well although have had some night terrors this month at 3,4,5 am- typically right after Emily has been up, can't help but think you guys plan this!!  You have eaten everything, what you like from day to day changes drastically, and when you don't like something or decide you are done you throw everything all over the kitchen floor, it's just lovely.  You waive and say hi to everyone everywhere we go and people love it!  You are obsessssssed with Gabba.  From the moment you wake up until you leave the house and when you return until dinner you are constantly "Gabbbbbbbbba" I think I could recite every episode myself.  But hey you know what you love it and I can't help but to think it has been teaching you some of this stuff you know, like Octagons you were telling me about today.

You started daycare this month and are doing amazing.  Mrs Lynda takes you to the park and does all types of awesome projects with you.  Things like paint, play doh, lots of coloring, made a ghost, and this cute little project all about you and how you are so special.  Mrs Lynda has a ton of Thomas the Train around which you love love love!  From what she says you are an angel, hilarious and keep her laughing, and you play very nicely with Devin who is her 3 year old son, so that's neat!

This month you have decided you hate your stroller and want to walk, I mean RUN everywhere.  One day I took you out of the stroller and you actually walk/ran over 2 miles, totally crazy but you would not get back in the stroller.  When you want something you will take the hand of whoever is around and available and take them where you need them to be, just so funny!!  You love to pop around the corner and say "peek a boo," love giving hugs and kisses, and still obsessed with Grandma.

Ryan you are awesome, fun, cool, amazing to watch everyday.  You definitely keep us laughing constantly and wondering where the heck you learned all these things you know.  You are so super sweet, especially when tired.  Or when I pick you up from Mrs Lindas and as soon as you hear my voice you SCREAM MOMMMMMMY and then don't let go of my leg.  Your smile is contagious, your voice is the sweetest thing, your personality keeps us on our toes.  Everyday is full, and happy, and different then the last.   Everyday with you is a blast (at least most) and we love you so stinkin much!!!

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a cute mommy Brooke :) I love this post!!