Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 days of 21

Day 21: The Holidays

I think we can all agree this is the most wonderful time of the year.  Starting with Halloween, picking up at Thanksgiving, and full swing for Christmas the holidays are happy, fun, exciting, and something to look forward to all year long.  I have always been a crazy holiday person but this year even more than ever, so so so excited to celebrate them with my little man.  I am aware he will have no recollection of any of it, but if I can just get a big huge smile when he sees his Christmas presents or the lights on the tree that will been all I need!! 

The Holidays bring families together, bring friends together, are a hot time to host your annual party, and to search and search until you find the perfect give to give everyone on your list.  Wrapping is also one of my favorite things to do, cut the paper perfectly, bend the edges, line up the designs perfect, tape, and wa la!  I love traditions, like am obsessed, and the Holidays in corporate so many.  I can't wait to start our own traditions with out own family!  I can't wait to take Ryan to see Santa, heck I can't wait to see Santa ha!

I am thankful for the Holidays this year and every year and everything that comes with them!  Dressing up on halloween, cooking all day or watching people cook all day with family on Thanksgiving and then eating it together and going around the table to see what everyone is thankful for, and our tour of VA on Christmas Day because it is very important to us to be able to see everyone ON the day!  Told ya there is no breaking tradition with me, until maybe next year, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season everyone and Happy Thanksgiving, gobble gobble!!

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