Thursday, February 10, 2011

andddd I'm bored....

I am sooo excited for the weekend I can't focus on anything at work which is leaving me with nothing to do and therefore b-o-r-e-d.  I do however love mindless surveys that have nothing to do with anything...

What is your favorite thing to cook or bake:  CUPCAKES!!!  I love baking cupcakes, and now I have a cool cup cake carrier to put them in.  I also love cooking Cakes, mainly because of my cool cake dish...noticing a trend!!

When someone is tailgating you, do you drive faster or slower?  Well this pisses me off, so I like to piss them off back with the whole speed up then slow down next to another car so they can't get around game!!  Don't mess with me!!

What place outside of your own home do you spend most of your time?  Right here @work starring at the computer, whoo hoo.

Do you like scented candles? Only the good scents, and I LOVE those!

Do you know how to use AutoCad software?  Auto huh??

Do you read people's answers to the surveys you've created?  I always ready what other people have to say, I find random thoughts entertaining.

What's your least favorite household chore?  d-i-s-h-e-s!!!  And maybe that is just because I am ALWAYS doing them

What career field are you in/would you be in?  HR currently.  Would be: nursing, teaching, event planning, coaching, forensics, private investigating, etc etc etc

Describe the curtains/shades you have in your bedroom?  Funny you ask, we just put these up last week, please excuse the mess:

Have you ever been snorkeling?  Mannnny times, but I don't like it.  I get claustrophobic with that thing on my face and coral underneath me.

When did you last see a doctor?  Doc yesterday, dentist today- what a fun week!

What is your favorite outdoor activity?  Does drinking count haha??  But I also enjoy really anything outdoors!!

Do most of your relatives live in the same state as you?  Actually I think all of our immediate families live in VA

Do you have any magnets on your fridge?  A lot, it's pretty much covered.  We chose not to get stainless appliances so I could put stuff on the fridge hahaha- I like my magnets!!

How long have you worked at your current job?  AAC- almost 5 years, current role- 1.5 very long months

Have you ever donated to Charity?  Yup we donate a good amount actually, "charity" even made the budget spreadsheet.

Have a fabulous rest of your Thursday!!

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