Friday, March 28, 2014

Gratitude ... Day 87 - Shawn T

I know I don't stop about T25 and how great it has been for us, but it really really has.  I have never been able to stick with a work out program before because it was too long and I would get bored or not have enough time to do it.  T25 is 25 minutes, but more than that I LOVE SHAWN T.  He is so energetic and motivating and as long as I am able to get my butt downstairs to push PLAY, he takes it from there, THROUGH A TV!!!!

T25 has 3 different levels, 2 come with the program alpha and beta.  Eric and I just completed Beta today (10 full weeks) of T25 and have lost a combined 31 lbs.  I am 2 sizes down from where I was when we started.  And more than that we FEEL GREAT!!!!  Of course we have a long way to go, but T25 has shown me there is hope and IT IS POSSIBLE and I have never been more excited or more motivated!!!  GRATEFUL FOR SHAWN T AND T25!!!

To celebrate our MAJOR vicotires on our journey today we added a banana AND Peanut Butter to our morning shakes and it was DELISH!!!!

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