Thursday, December 13, 2012

11 Months

Ry Ry Bug-

Last month as a "baby" coming right up.  Today you are 11 months, totally insane, but we are both handling it pretty well.  Everyday you are doing something new, every week I feel like you are a totally different little guy.  You are growing and learning and discovering new things constantly.  Your personality is coming through more than ever and is just so cool!!  You make funny faces where you squint your eyes and squish your nose, you copy things we do, you make tons of noises, and are just so interactive.  You love clapping and being proud of yourself and we are so proud of you too!

You stand stand stand, move from one LPO(large plastic object) to another, pull up on things, and even let go of everything and stand in place for a few seconds.  Just this week we have noticed, when you make noise on the monitor to get up in the morning you have been standing in your crib hitting your mobile.  If we leave the room for a second you are pulling up on something else, opening drawers and cabinets, all over the place and into everything.
You are still size 4 diapers, wearing size 12-18months clothes, you are sleeping pretty well with just a few bad nights this month, you still love love love bath time, and now we have added brushing your teeth to the routine, you seem to enjoy the gum massage.  If I was trying to predict the future, I might think you are going to be a biter, because every time I have you on my shoulder you attempt to take a chunk out.  You hold your own bottle, this is amazing!  You got your sixth tooth, first zit and I mean with a white head, and really upset mommy for the first time when you cried when I took you from Grandma.  You also threw your first consecutive temper tantrum, tears and all, when I kept telling you "no" and pulling you off the fire place....I know I'm so mean!  You say da da da da and blah blah blah blah all the time.  You have even started screaming sometimes hahaha it's hillarious!
You eat everything!!!  I think bananas are probably your top choice though you have really liked my orange this week, like yelled at me for more when you were done with yours.  We ordered off the kids menu for the first time at Coastal Flats.  We got you a grilled cheese and apple sauce, you ate the entire thing in addition to the bread and baby food jar I had brought for you.  We also got your grilled chicken fingers at BW3's one day.
You experienced your very 1st Thanksgiving which was a blast.  You loved the sweet potatoes, who doesn't with marshmallows and everyone of course wanted all of your attention.  You went and visited Santa for the first time, we had such a great experience.  You were so curious, it was so cool to watch.  We were in the front of the line so you got some extra special attention from Santa while they were setting up!
You are so different then you were last month.  You are so cool and fun and still momma's little cuddly bug.  Watching you learn and experience new things is what life is all about.  We are so excited for your 1st Christmas and 1st birthday back to back.  You are one amazing little baby!!


Momma and Dada

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