Monday, August 20, 2012


Wasn't looking forward to this number at all, I am not a fan of odd numbers to begin with but 31 just left a sour taste in my mouth which might explain the terrible tooth infection I have been dealing with the entire weekend.  However, I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the most amazing friends and family!!  Eric planned a last minute type wine tasting thing for me yesterday, which was wonderful, such a great idea and so fun!  Everyone had to tell a story about their bottle and then everyone tasted it!!  Of course most of my pics of the day are of the little guests!!  A perfect laid back day with my favorite accessory- vino!!

Ginny, Isabella, Ryan
Ginny, Isabella, Ryan
Passing the wines around
Gma holding Ryan to the counter while I make a wish!!  Yes I am 31 Eric was just trying to do a "fun 30th birthday" take 2 since I was preggo last year!!
Some icing for my little guy!
Ginny, Ryan, Camila
Little Camila!!
Holy Moly a pic with friends without babies!!!
 Tonight on my actual bday my boys took me out to Benihana!!!  Lovin' 31 so far!!!

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