Thursday, December 16, 2010

Panic Mode!!!

Schools are getting out early, all after school activities are canceled, the phones are ringing off the hook about getting on the "icy" roads early, the stores are packed, etc etc.  You know what I always wonder, everyone stocks up on bread and milk during a snow storm, but how much bread and milk do they keep in their houses on a regular basis??  I would think beer and candy would get you much further if you were to be locked up in your house with family members for an extended period of time....but that's just me :)  Regardless of my desire to make jokes about the complete panic that occurs with flurry #1, I LOVE snow, Happy "Blizzarding."

Outside the office 10:18AM, total accumulation about .5 Millimeters:

Outside the Office: 11:43 and we are covered (about an inch in my expert opinion) pavement to be seen, leaving early???
 Outside House - 4:22pm...sooo pretty!!!
Enjoy your snowy time!!!  Stay warm and if you are on the roads be super safe!!

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