Thursday, December 23, 2010

the old 73647 crew

One of my favorite things about the holidays is it brings people home, home to where I live because I haven't left,and  home to where they, my friends, are from!!!  Back in the good ole high school day we had quite a group, we rolled deep as some would say.  Some of us are still in the area, some have drifted rarely to be heard from, some disappeared and are now returning, and some we see on face book but haven't seen in person since graduation.

We weren't able to get the whole "crew" back together but oh my goodness it was soooo good to see those we did.  Wiggins (who of course I see all the time) and I met Stephanie aka Fancy aka Bangs and Erin for lunch today!  We really should have scheduled a week long catch up session, it's kinda hard to squeeze 10 years into a drink and an entree' but wow, talking of the past, catching up on the present, exploring the future, joking around like old times, laughing, it was just awesome!!  I had a great time!!

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