Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Partiessss!!!

Saturday Night was packed with great friends, great times, great drinks, and great food at all parties!!!!
Our santa and elves pants are packed!!!  Reindeer wine in one half and Christmas Kisses in the other, these were a HUGE hit for all of the hostesses!!!

1st Stop- Chris and Cheryl's
Such a beautiful house and TREE!!!
2nd Stop- Kere and Kevin Knapps- for some reason I didn't break out my camera, but they definitely won the drink of the night award with Kere's candy cane martini's soooooo cute :)
 3rd and Final stop of the Farrell's Ye Old Christmas Party!!!!  Thank you Eric for ruining this pic....
 This might have been during the dance party....All I want for Christmas is youuuuuuuuuuu!!! 
Such a fun night!!!  I think we ended right around 3:30am, just like college haha :)  
Thank you so much to all of the hostesses and for inviting us!!  Merry Christmas!!

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