Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All I want for Christmas is a really good Tan!!!

Take us back to Tampa please!!!!  We had such a great time visiting Jilly and Jason, as always!!

We partied on a boat in their driveway....I'm on a BOAT!!!
Abe saved Christmas with this tree he "found..."
Somehow we stumbled to Coasters...not sober if you couldn't tell....
We made it to Crabby Bills...BARELY....Love that place!!!
Still on a BOAT...in the driveway...with a wife beater....hummmmm
SURPRISE!!!!  Kelsey, Jill, and I went to get pedicures while Jason pulled together an AWESOME wine tasting surprise party for Jill's Birthday!!!  Sooo happy we were there to celebrate :)
The boys scadattled to Publix as soon as we left to gather all this yummy food!!!
Now that is a lot of wine to taste...fill er up!!!
Happy Boys!!!
We had an amazing weekend and plan to move to Tampa very soon haha :)  Cheers to an awesome time with everyone with a glass of DOM!!!  Thank you Clarence and Kelsey!!!
And the Happy Host and Hostess cheersing for the first time in their chappy flutes!!!  Glad you finally got your special occasion to break those out hahaha!!
Thank you so much for having us!!!  See yall again soon, Neighbors!!!!


Unknown said...

awwww!! LOVE THIS Brookey! you are the best.. such a wonderful time and you and E Dawg make the best house guests :) It was so much fun to spend that weekend with you.. SO glad you were there. PLEASE move here SOON!! :) we miss you already!!! xoxoxo

The Kings said...

I think i'm funny sometimes!!! at least I can entertain myself haha :) Thanks, we are very hard to please, wine and funny stories OH and projecting the VT game on the side of your house AWESOME!!!! You guys are fabulous host/hostesses, thanks again soooo much!!!