Thursday, November 18, 2010

hosting Turkey day!!!

Mom's kitchen is currently in dissaray with the new "rip up tile and put down hardwood" project going on so Thanksgiving has been moved to our house!!  I am super excited because as we all know I LOVE to host.  Not a huge group this year but a few that haven't seen our house and a few more including Grandma (must impress) who hasn't seen it in a loooooooooooong time!!!  Of course with Debs and Gma I won't be doing much cooking -thank god, so top of my list is to figure out the perfect table decorations!!  I have been searching online and come up with a few ideas, please feel free to HELP if you have any other fabulously creative ideas :)
Flowers??  not my favorite idea but they're pretty I guess...
This is an interesting idea, I already have the laterns, what if I add leaves and a candle??  Knowing me thats a recipe for a fire....

I like the pear name tags, might do this one..
too much?

Obviously I need to spend some more time finding the perfect way to decorate my table!!!

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