Monday, October 25, 2010

festive weekend

Started off Friday night with a pumpkin carving party, hosted by us!! All the neighbors came over with pumpkin in hand, we enjoyed chilli and hot apple cider followed by a pumpkin carving competition and ending with none other than a game of celebrities!! Photo details below...

Super yummy and not so healthy but very cute Spice Cake Cup Cakes:

Some fall foliage with the "Superb Pumpkin" trophy for the carving winner!!

We had a nice fall fire in the drive way, it was so perfect to sit around:

There was some serious carving!! But seriously I was shocked at the carving ability, wasn't
expecting that or I would have gotten more trophies haha :)

And then there were 5, the competition was so close we left it up to a facebook vote to determine the winner...

And collecting the most votes from the very un-biased facebook community was...THE REDSKIN!!!

Saturday started with a Tech blow out over Duke which was awesome! Thanks Marstin for having us over :) We had a great time, and the subs and entertainment were top notch!!

Dinner at Deb's for Mike's Bday- steak, king crab legs, shrimp, mmmmmm:) Happy Birthday Mike!!

Then A-town Bound for a fabulous Halloween Party!!!

And on Sunday the Skins won and D-Hall is the man!!! A great great great weekend filled with fam, friends, some awesome food, good times, fires, pumpkins, costumes, and fabulous football...doesn't get much better than that!!!

1 comment:

Puddles Of Run said...

Ohhhh yay!! We won!!