Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Our morning visit we spoke with the doctor, great news- no pneumonia!!!  We dropped off our milk from over night, and spent some good QT with the little man...

We just returned to moms house after a few hours visiting with him this afternoon and FINALLY I was able to hold my baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We walked into his room and his space mask (aka oxygen hood) had been removed and he was back to the oxygen in the nose things, such a fabulous site to see and great sign of improvement.   Eric changed his diaper, he is becoming quite the pro, and then the nurse said I think you can hold him!!!!  YES PLEASE!!!!  She bundled him up, wires and all, and handed him to me, OMG!!!  He felt so much smaller in my hands then he looks laying on the table, we just starred at each other for 30 minutes, amazing!!!  His skin was so soft, he is just so perfect I soaked up every second, kissed him at least a zillion times...The nurse came back in 30 minutes later and said how about you try feeding him a bottle, he LOVED it..he is quite the little sucker.  He is currently getting 20 cc's every 3 hours, so I fed him 10 through the bottle, he sucked it right now then kinda fell asleep haha.  I burped him and tried to give him the other 10 but he wasn't waking back up.  Back under the lights he went and the rest of the food through his tube.  He was sooooo happy and so relaxed, awwww I am SOOOO happy!!

And again at our visit tonight.....WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!!



Kristen said...

So glad to hear that there is no pnuemonia! These pictures are SO precious! Can't wait to read about you bringing your little man home!

Jenn said...

Aw I teared up reading this and seeing the pictures. So glad he's improving so much!