Thursday, January 19, 2012

From the NICU from the NICU: Ryan is doing awesome, he is off oxygen, still has to be on the Belly Rubin ligths until tomorrow, I got to hold him for an hour this morning, he is sooo fun to look at.  I love when he looks back at me, he seems very alert and loves looking around!!  I fed him a bottle, he drank the whole thing, SHOCKER he loves to eat!!  The nurse today had him with a little frog connected to his passy, so cute!!  When we were leaving the afternoon visit and talked to the doctor for a little bit.  He was giving us updates and status reports and what happens next and what else we are waiting for...then he said and to answer the question you are dying to know the answer to but haven't asked...I am working through Sunday and it is my goal to have him all better and ready for discharge before the end of the weekend.  YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

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