Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Checking Out...of my room

Tuesday-  today I spent a lot of time in Ryans's room just starring at him and hoping that at some point someone would say, "okay mom, it's time for you to hold him."  He is doing soooo much better, he is sooo stinkin cute.  The nurses are great and from time to time give us a chance to turn the jaundice lights off, take off his little mask, and let him open his eyes and look at us, I melt!  The xray today showed the pick line was put in correctly so all is well there, they were also able to take the IV in his foot out.  Slowly but surely the needles are being taken away!  He is a fightsty little one, he is constantly pulling his feeding tube out, moving the oxygen hood on his own, kicking and screaming with every diaper change - definitely NOT his favorite activity.  It's amazing to watch his little personality come out.  Then it was the time I had dreaded, discharge for mom time.  The nurse came into my room and removed this IV thing that they had going directly into my incision which gave off medicine, I always wondered if it was working, well 30 minutes after it was out I can guarantee it was definitely working.  The nurse continued down my list of post - op things and I signed the papers.  I went back over to Ryan's room while Eric packed up all our stuff.  When I was in Ryans room, I was starting to get a little teary and the nurse turned off the lights took his little mask off and said come here mom.  I got up and she let me kinda hold him while still on the bed but got to sit him up and stuff, of course the tears were now gushing, but it was so nice to hold my little baby in my hands.  He responded great and his numbers stayed right on track while he was off the oxygen, awww it was sooo encouraging.  Then I did it, I left my baby in the hospital, I met Eric in the hall way by the elevators, totally hysterical, then Debs met us outside to help take home all of these balloons, flowers, etc etc.  We are staying at Debs house while he is there since she lives less than 5 minutes from the hospital, makes it very easy to get back and forth.  As hard as it was to leave him there, we had also been in a hospital for 5 days so the thought of some fresh air was in a way relaxing!  So we left, we got to debs, I was in a ton of pain so Eric and I went up to Giant to fill my perscription, came back and had dinner, then back to the hospital to say goodnight to our little man.  He was doing great so we fed him, Eric changed his diaper, hung out and gave him "hugs" and kisses, then it was night night time for a very worn out mom and dad.  Mom had set up both of the guest rooms so we could each have our own for the night.  Eric was starting to feel sick and was sooo exhausted so mom volunteered to get up with me and clean the pumping supplies each time.  We both got a very much needed good nights sleep.  I got up at 11, 3, 6, and 8:30 to pump and fell right back to sleep each time.

1 comment:

Kere said...

Stay Strong! The little guy will use his fiestyness to get out of there in no time!! :-)