Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9 month Countdown...Week 17

Week 17 (August 31st- September 6th)

Size of Baby: an Onion

and a new addition...size of Mommy haha:
Week 17
Picture quality is terrible, took it on Eric's phone as I was running out the door, will remember to do it on my camera next week!!

Any Appts: No appts this week, but that doesn't stop us from listening to the heart beat every couple days, we love it!!

Ooooh thats new: Nothing really too out of the ordinary this week.  My sleeping isn't great, def up all night Monday night, but other than that I have been feeling pretty good.  Some cramping but nothing as bad as previous weeks, hopefully that remains the case!!

Excited about: Finding out the sex in exactly one week!!  We have our anatomy scan next Wed, sooooo excited!!!  Although I am convinced we are having a boy and am all prepared for a boy in my head now!!  I can't wait to pick out stuff for the nursery!!

Missing:  Sleep again, still getting used to this whole sleeping on the side thing and lack of sleep all together.

Healthy Living: Been doing okay in this area.

Preggo-Ness:   Everything has been great this week.  I started wearing my maternity clothes, at least the pants to work, since winter is apparently here ha!  Debs and Mike came over on Monday and helped us turn our house upside down so we can get the nursery cleared out...gotta a lot of stuff coming up this fall, including football so we need to get prepared ahead of time!!!  Debs of brought baby a gift, so appropriate!!!!
How's Dad???: Pretty sure he is great!!  In the midst of all the moving, his office is now in the basement, and I guess with every new office you just need a brand new tv, so he got one of those!  I love the basement now too, can actually have people down there and sit comfortably!!

1 comment:

Courtney Totten said...

Love your week 17 post !!! Can not WAIT for next Wed!!!