Thursday, September 8, 2011

Top Ten Thursday...LOVE Fall

With fall in the air, I think it's only appropriate to do the Top 10 greatest things about fall!!!

#10  Blankets and Sweats...Okay who doesn't love the first time you get to put your hoodie on for the season??  So comforting!!!  And the Down Comforter is back in use, best sleep ever!!!
The colors...I think the most gorgeous of the entire year.  The leaves, the plants, the clothes...the colors are just beautiful...makes me want to be outside as much as possible!!
#8    The Temperature- absolutely my favorite time of the year!!!  Perfect 70's during the day and just cold enough at night for a jacket or sweat shirt, it's my favorite!!  It is the perfect temperature for the bon fire which I also LOVE!!

#7   No Fall would be complete without SUGAR!!  Candy Corn is the greatest.candy.ever!!!
#6   Fall Fashion-  While I would never be caught dead in the outfits on these runway models, I love fall fashion.  After a summer of sundresses and flip flops, a good jeans/boots/hot top/great accessories get up is just what the fashion police ordered.  Scarves are my favorite!  And while of course I am not miss fashionable I do enjoy looking at and complimenting my super trendy friends!!
#5   Halloween- who doesn't love Halloween???  A perfect excuse to go out in something completely off the wall and party like a rock star!!  Oh and I love love love carving pumpkins and handing out candy!
#4 The Beach- Last year and this year (assuming the roads are put back together) we are going to experience OBX in the fall.  The beach in the fall is amazing, it's sooooo relaxing, not too hot, the waves are awesome (usually due to a hurricane stirring up trouble off shore, details details), it's just the best time to experience the beach
#3  Fall Food-After a summer of healthy and light food nothing is better (except my number 1) than "comfort," heavy, yummy, delicious food!!  From Chilli, to Brats, to wings, to Casserole, and meatloaf with Potatoes, I just don't see how to you can wrong here.  Oh and Pasta- how could I forget!!!
#2  Fantasy Football- I am not exactly a "fan" of the NFL, much more a college girl, but with every sporty husband comes a Sunday full of football.  I am in two fantasy leagues this year, both all girls leagues, don't you just LOVE how girls have gotten so involved, and this allows me the ability to sit in front of the tv for hours upon hours and monitor my football team, Victorious Secret holler!!!  Hey if you're competitive it doesn't matter what the competition is.
#1  Of course the Number 1 and best part of Fall in my humble opinion is HOKIE FOOTBALL!!!  From the drive down on 81 and the beautiful trees to just being in Blacksburg and nothing, I mean nothing beats being in Lane Stadium when Enter Sandman comes on and Hokie take the field!!  I mean HOLY adrenaline rush, love that!!!

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