Wednesday, August 17, 2011

9 month countdown...Week 11 and Week 12

**These entries were created when I was 11 and 12 weeks preggo**

WEEK 11(July 20th - July 26th)

Size of Baby: a Lime!!  Perfect for a Corona, for everyone else of course!

Any Appts: So we don't have any appts this week, buttt Doctor Eric was able to find the heart beat on my little fetal doppler thing!!  Sooo awesome, we can listen whenever we want to, very reassuring!!

Ooooh thats new:  and I have a bump, yup there it is.  And we went below the 200 days left until baby!!!

Feeling:   Feeling awesome, high energy, doing some walking, and lunges but they make my legs feel realllly sore haha, getting back in shape is going to be a struggggle

Excited about: Telling everyone, registering, finding out the sex, shopping, doing the nursery

Missing:  Vodka soda with a lemon and a LIME

Healthy Living: Eating whatever I feel like which is mostly healthy, trying to walk but this heat wave is not helping me out, needing and getting A  LOT of sleep!!

Preggo-Ness: Well I don't really even feel preggo except this bump I now have (or at least is bigger and firm), think it's time to find myself a tankini for the beach.  So I told some work people this week, including my boss, everyone is so excited!  Our super sweet neighbors are living for a year in Afghanistan, they have been home the past two weeks and left tonight, before they left they stopped by and gave us this onesie, sooooooo cute!!!  Hard to believe we will have a baby when they get home in March.

 I told the girls that work this week in addition to my boss and look what they got me!!!!
How's Dad???: Just dandy!!  Loving listening to the heart beat

Week 12 (July 27th - August 2nd)

Size of Baby: PLUM- growing so fast

Any Appts: Not this week but we have our week 14 appointment coming up soon where we should be able to hear the heart beat officially by a professional!!

Ooooh thats new:  headaches!!!  Goodness gracious they hurt!!  I haven't taken any meds yet, mainly because advil has been my go to my entire life and now I am not able to have it, I don't want to be a trader so pain it is!

Feeling:  Good!!  I can even stay up late again!

Excited about: Finding out the sex and registering, I can't wait to pick out everything for the nursery!!

Missing:  I have been missing soccer a lot lately, maybe it's the world cup

Healthy Living: Been sliding a bit and kinda just eating whatever I feel like eating.  Eric still is still very alert to my protein in take.  Been walking a lot, went 2 miles last night and it felt awesome!!

Preggo-Ness: Still not really feeling anything, but we listen to the heart beat on the fetal doppler often.  I do get some cramps from time to time which I have been told is my uterus expanding, OUCHIE!!!
How's Dad???: He's doing well.  We have started to look at day care options and he has been so much help with that.  My friends with babies also have me very alert to getting a sleeping plan down, so we have been doing some research on that as well.  Just ordered a book recommended by my neighbor "Twelve hours of sleep, Twelve weeks old."  If that could happen we would be groovin, Eric and I LOVE our sleep!

1 comment:

Jenny and Doug said...

Congrats Brooke on the news! Enjoy being's so fun and you get the best reward at the end :) Babies are the best!!