Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 month countdown...Week 9 and Week 10

**This entry was created when I was 9 and 10 weeks preggo**

WEEK 9 (July 6th - July 12th)

Size of Baby: Green Olive- Growing like crazy..The sex organs are there but not distinguishable, the suspense is killllling me haha

Any Appts: OB appt next Wednesday

Ooooh thats new: Nothing out of the ordinary this week

Feeling: Pretty good this week so far!!!  Actually knock on wood, I would say besides getting worn out way easy, I think I am back to normal!!

Excited about: Getting my Sonoline B that I ordered...so got it, and pretty sure it doesn't work, maybe it's too early.

Missing: I have a feeling I am going to be missing frozen margies at our neighborhood pig roast this weekend!!  There's a marg machine, tear!!

Healthy Living: still no appetite except for Watermelon and Sherbert (yes I eat it as soon as I get out of bed), been walking twice now!!

Preggo-Ness: I feel like I am starting to show, still losing weight, but the tummy area I feel like is poking out and my pants are buttoning quite correctly.  I am not as excited as about maternity clothes so I am hoping my sundresses will work through the summer, work clothes on the other hand we might have a problem.  I also haven't been able to do anything core exercises soooo that might just be my problem right there.

How's Dad???:  He's wonderful.  He packs my lunch, and by lunch I mean a HUGE bag of food with all the necessary nutrients every morning and checks on my food intake throughout the day.  It's amazing, I have always thought of myself as like the most independent person, but being preggo has made me soooooo dependent on Eric.  I can't seem to do anything without him, I just love him soooo much!!!

WEEK 10 (July 13th - July 19th)

Size of Baby: Prune haha, weird

Any Appts:We had an appt with my OB on Wednesday, basically just asked the 1 zillion questions I had and talked about any tests that we want done and the process from here on out, confirmation on delivery at Fair Oaks.  Turns out to be great as my mom lives literally right down the street and Mike will get me there if need be, he is very handy- no blizzard will stop us!

Ooooh thats new:  Not much, I feel great!

Feeling: I actually feel great!!!  I don't want to jinx myself but if 2 weeks of nausea was it, I am getting this one easy!!

Excited about: I am starting to get really excited about everything, haven't made the public announcement yet but most people know!!

Missing:  Wine on the deck on these beautiful summer nights

Healthy Living: Have been eating great and walking every day!!  Of course once it cools down at night :)

Preggo-Ness: I don't even feel like I am preg, scary on the one hand and on the other counting my blessings.  I am not sure if it's showing or just my body REALLY changing.  I am not at all excited to wear maternity clothing and really no idea what to do about a bathing suit for the beach in a month???

How's Dad???: He's doing just great.  Instead of a glass of wine waiting for me when I get home on a Friday, this is what I had this week...he's so cute!!!  Classic Shirley Temple and Sherbert!!

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