Sunday, August 14, 2011

9 month countdown...Week 7 and Week 8

**These entries were written when I was 7 and 8 weeks preggo**
WEEK 7 (June 23rd - June 28th)

Size of Baby: Blueberry!!!  Growing like crazy and I am definitely feeling it.

Any Appts:  Got to see the baby again, crazy how much different it looks even a week later.  Head is on the left!
Ooooh thats new:  TIRED!!!  I have struggled to stay up past 9pm, my energy is all gone, and my memory is failing me (has been for a while though haha)

We also have a new name for the baby...lil flip...Creative Eric came up with that one because everything just reminds him of little flippers!!!  Super cute!!

Feeling: Tired tired tired tired

Excited about: Everything!!!  It's starting to feel real and we are moving right along!!!

Missing: Energy!!

Healthy Living:  Have actually been super healthy for the most part.

Preggo-Ness: So far it has been great, been a bit nautious and super tired but thats all a part of the process so I am cool with it.

Went to Miami this past weekend for Jessica's 30th birthday.  You definitely feel a little left out when you are the preggo one, but we had a really good time and thank goodness Tan Jan was there to go home with me when the gals went to the club!!

How's Dad???:  Doing awesome, he is so excited, it's so awesome watching his excitement and sharing in this new adventure together!!

WEEK 8 (June 30th - July 5th)

Size of Baby: Raspberry

Any Appts:  Not this week, but I did just order the Sonoline B, read it on my friends blog that she got it to ease some anxiety so I am hoping it does the same.  Would just love to hear that little heart beat daily :)
Ooooh thats new: I hate food!!! well most of it anyways, especially salads which I used to eat daily.  The only things I like are Watermelon and Sherbert, the rest Eric forces me to eat for the benefit of baby.  Never thought the day would come when I didn't enjoy stuffing my face...

Feeling: Nautious in the morning on workdays, might have something to do with the whole work thing haha, but the weekends aren't bad cuz I sleep in and take my time getting up and getting moving.  Not as tired as I have been but worn out from everything.  The heat is killin me!!

Excited about: Figuring out this Sonoline B when it arrives! 

Missing: Sushi!!  I never ate a ton of the raw fish but now I want it haha :)  Always want what we can't have right?!?!

Healthy Living:  Been eating healthy thanks to my food enforcer Eric...need to get exercising more I am just not motivated to go to the gym to walk and outside is miserably hotttt.

Preggo-Ness: It's neat!! 

How's Dad???: He's great!!  He takes such good care of me and always making sure I am okay, have a drink, am comfortable etc.  He has taken on so many of the house hold chores, laundry, makes dinner, does dishes etc...I keep telling him I will have my energy back soon, but I think I could kinda get used to this :)

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