Saturday, August 13, 2011

9 month countdown...Week 5 and Week 6

**Blog entries were written when I was 5 and 6 weeks Preggo**

WEEK 5 (June 8th-June 14th)

Size of Baby: cute lil tadpole

Any Appts: Thurs for our first sono!

Ooooh thats new: Pregnancy Acne has struck!!  OMG, I was thinking it was bug bites but not, little red bumps all over my chest and upper back and what's worse they are not popable grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Also new, wedding soberness!!  Congrats to Courtney and Nick who got married this past weekend!!  Eric and I pulled off the "vodka" /Sodas just perfectly I think!!!

Feeling: Good right now, this morning was a bit nautious, kinda like a hangover but obviously not the case!!

Excited about: Thursday!!!  First SONO!!!!

Missing: TENNIS!!!!  My doc won't let me play tennis, tear!!  And my team is in first place going into playoffs without me.  Then I also can't go watch/cheer them on, since the story is I hurt my foot ahhhh can't wait to play anything again!!!

Healthy Living: Besides the candy I just gorged today has been okay.  Gotta a lot of making up to do to from this past weekend.  So excited it isn't 100 degrees anymore and can't wait to get back out walking!!

Preggo-Ness: Still doesn't feel real.  Of course not drinking all wedding weekend (Courts wedding) and having to pretend to be downing "vodka-sodas" was an interesting experience since I am usually not the most sober person haha.  We have told pretty much all of our immediate family and some of out best friends, sorry the news is just too exciting not to share, plus I see it as, if something happened these people would know anyways and hopefully still be friends with me ha :)  Went straight over to my moms after I found out, she is so cute, already went out and bought diapers!!!

And then today, OMG I got home and there was a package.  I was like humm I didn't order it up, tears start flowing, Julie sent us this frame, she is soooo thoughtful.  So this kinda made it feel a little more real.

How's Dad???:  He's doing great, just so excited and has told pretty much everyone, I am a bit more hesitant but I guess at the end of the day people we love will be there regardless.  He has been an amazing husband, always wondering what I need, checking on me, and reminding me of doctors orders!!!

WEEK 6 (June 15th-June 21st)

Size of Baby: Sweet Pea....awww!!

Any Appts:  Not this week

Ooooh thats new:  News Flash!!!  Morning sickness is not just for the mornings anymore.  I guess they forget to tell you it's an all day thing....if I'm home I'm asleep and if I'm awake I am nautious, oh joy!!!  I am sleeping awesome though!!!

Feeling: Tired tired tired tired

Excited about: our next sono next week

Missing: A nice cold Miller Lite on tap!!!  or the bottle with the swirly neck will do!!

Healthy Living:  Been eating pretty well and trying really hard to get out and walk but honestly it has only happened like once this week, it is too darn hot, I am exhausted, and by the time it cools off it is bed time for this girl!!!

Preggo-Ness: Preggo-Ness feels a bit more real now that I am exhausted and nautious all the time.  This little sucker is growing so fast and taking all of my energy!!!  I have however lost 3 pounds so that's a plus.  We have a picture from our appt last week, we have it on the dresser in our cute little frame and look at it all the time!!!  It's just so crazy there is something growing in me, already soooo excited to meet the little booger!!!!

How's Dad???:  Eric is doing great, I think he might actually enjoy me being preggo!!  I have no energy so I never question much less argue anything he says, I am in bed by like 9pm at the latest so he gets to enjoy all of his shows, and he has a DD..what's not to love!!!

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