Thursday, August 18, 2011

9 month countdown...Week 13 and Week 14

**These posts were written when I was 13 and 14 weeks preggo!**
Week 13 (August 3rd - August 9th)

Size of Baby: A peach, with vocal cords and fingerprints, that is amazing to me!!!

Any Appts: We did have an appt on Monday and heard the heart beat, that was very EXCITING!!!

Ooooh thats new: 2nd Trimester BABY!!!!  one down, two more to go!!!

Excited about: finding out if lil flip is a boy or a girl, patience is definitely not my best quality, I can't buy anything until I know and I are anxious to shop haha

Missing: A nice cold DRAFT Miller Lite, Dewey beach is gonna be interesting sober...

Healthy Living: I have been getting amazing sleep the entire pregnancy, probably the best I have ever slept.  Granted my awesome sleep is interrupted by my bladder multiple times I always wake up super refreshed!  Now that I can actually stand the taste of lettuce, I have been eating super healthy as well!!

Preggo-Ness: Getting very excited and it seems everyone around me is as well.  Debs brought me over this super cute calendar the other night to track pretty much everything I go through, great for memories!!  We did have some really bad cramps on Sunday night that were super scary and way worse then any of the growing pains I have felt previously, luckily we had the doc appt on Monday and will be having a sono on Friday just to check and make sure everything is good to go!
How's Dad???: He's been great and dealing with my crazy hormonal mood swings this week just fabulously!

Week 14 (August 10th- August 16th)

Size of Baby: Lemon

Any Appts: We do have a sonogram appt on Friday.  I had really bad cramps (like way worse then the rest of them, couldn't stand up straight etc etc, really felt like contractions)the night before my appt last week and when I saw my doctor she suggested I come back for a sono just to have everything checked out.  During our sono the sonographer took a TON of pics and said everything was fine.  This was so cool.  We saw basically all of the body parts and were given this picture per Eric's request.
Ooooh thats new: These cramps!!!  I got them again this week, terrible, hurt so bad, but the doc said she didn't see anything to be concerned about.

Excited about:Telling everyone!!  Since we got the okay from the doc, we decided 14.5 weeks is a good time to let the world know so we posted our alien pic on facebook, so exciting!!!

Missing: Boogie boarding and riding the waves at the beach, doubt the baby would enjoy that too much haha!!

Healthy Living: We are headed to the beach this week so this might be a bit of a challenge!!  The plan is to walk on the beach and eat healthy but who knows!

Preggo-Ness: Besides the cramps I feel great and am getting really excited.  It's all beginning to seem so real, especially since my clothes do not fit at all.  I tried the bella band thing and that made me look more preggo, maybe I wasn't doing it right.  Everyone at work now knows so I guess I don't need to hide it anymore.
How's Dad???: He's doing just great.

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