Monday, February 13, 2012

1 Month

Turn up your volume and enjoy our favorites from the first Month!!! 

Dear Ryan-

And just like that one month has come and gone, we love love love absolutely every moment we have had with you.  We are lucky we got you almost 4 weeks early, every extra moment with you is a blessing.  You arrived after a crazy birth story on January 13th at 4:33 pm.  As soon as we heard the first cry, our hearts melted, and you had forever stolen them.  You were 7lbs and 20 inches long of pure beauty!!  You were/are so cute!!  You were soooo much smaller then we or anyone would have ever guessed, Grandma had to go out and get you some new newborn clothes and diapers. 

Your first 9 days were spent in the NICU, where we learned just how strong of a little guy you were, and how strong we could be as your parents.  You amazed us every day with your steps to getting better and coming home with us!  You are such a fighter.  You really are our little miracle.

We brought you home, FINALLY, and have sat and watched your facial expressions for hours and hours.  My favorite is when you squeeze your lips together, Dad's favorite is when you look so mad and then we get a smile.  We do see smiles, not sure if they are because you are actually "happy" but the smiles are the best!!  Sleeping has been on and off, feeding has been some work but we have it down now and you are growing like a weed, we have changed more diapers than I ever thought was possible, and you have started making new noises each week.  Tons of grunts and groans and screams and everything...all of the noises are adorable, except in the middle of the night!  You absolutely hate having your diaper changed but you do like being naked, you enjoy bath time, and love to cuddle and be held.  I hold you pretty much all day every day, which I am sure I will regret one day, but right now I don't care and am just going to soak up every second I can :)

We have you sleeping in the pack in play next to our bed, I am not sure I will ever be able to put you in your own room, I love being able to wake up and look over at you :)  You enjoy tummy time on your adventures of the sea mat, the bright lights and songs make you so happy and kick your feet.  You do get frustrated on your tummy, when you can't move, that's also very cute for us!  I think your favorite toy is your duck in your cradle that quacks, you always follow the noises as we move him around, you are a very alert little boy!!  Your current nicknames are Ry Ry, Nugget, Muffin, peanut and little man!

We can't believe a month has already come and gone.  You develop and change every day.  I wish you could stay this little forever but we know that's not how life works and we look forward to all of the months, years, stages, and developments to come.

We love you so so much and are so lucky to be your parents!!

Mom and Dad


Jessica said...

Absolutely LOVE the slide show!!!

Laura said...

What a great idea, you're so creative!