Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We're still here!!!

Hahah, wowzers!!!  We have been home for just over a week and it has been jam packed full of visitors and firsts and learning...A LOT of learning how this whole thing works!!!  I used to think I was busy...

Sleep- Yes it is true what you hear, sleeping is over with!  Lucky for us Grandma (Debs) stayed with us for the first week so once we got up and fed him, if he Ryan wasn't ready to go back to sleep, mom would take him and hang out with him until he did, giving us a chance to get 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night!  We had our first night home alone last night, just me, Eric, and a baby that had zero/zippo interest in sleeping!!  Hey we are still alive today!!

Feeding- This has been frustrating for me.  Before I had Ryan I didn't really care breast milk or formula but then once I had him and my milk wasn't really flowing like it is supposed too, all of the sudden breast feeding became super important to me.  Probably just a thing that isn't coming easy for me, that I must accomplish ha!  Anywho Ryan went to the pediatrician the day we got home from the hospital and he weighed 6.10 (Monday), then we went again for his 2 week appt (Friday) and he weighed 6.88, losing weight...we failed our first test as parents of having him to birth weight by two weeks.  No one was really stressed about the situation because he was in the NICU and not getting as much food as most babies but this did take a little dig at mom.  My baby was starvvvvving, not really but you know what I mean.  Soooo we had to take him back in on the next Monday (3 days later), you bet your bootie we were feeding the crap out of him over the weekend.  I breastfed and then while I pump (trying to get more milk to come in) Eric feeds him a bottle to supplement of either pumped breast milk or most recently formula.  Monday he weighed 6.13, we go back on Friday....

Bathing- Thank you to Grandma we haven't had to do this yet, as long as she keeps coming over at least every couple days that would be great.

The best thing you will ever experience- absolutely and more than words.  Having little Ryan is amazing, the connection with your baby is unexplainable.  We love him so so so much and have been having so much fun playing with all of his toys, trying on all of his clothes which we go through sooo fast because us parents haven't caught on to how to stop the little boy from peeing all over the place haha, going on walks, and introducing Ryan to all of our friends and family!!  It is has been fun!  Being a mom is the best, especially to such a sweet sweet and super cute baby boy!!

1st Caride- HOME!!!
1st walk..YAY for unseasonably warm weather in January, I LOVE IT!!!
1st (and only) SpongeBath. thank you Gma
1st FUN Bath- Ryan Loves being in the water
And most importantly, Ryan has been meeting all sorts of friends and family for his first time, feelin' the love (he told me)!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

His froggy is precious!