Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome Home!!!

Welp we made it home, so exciting to leave the hospital and come home, ahhhh a sense of normalcy...sort of!!!

1st night at home...hopefully not a sign of how the rest of the nights to come are.  I am hoping because he slept all day in the hospital while we waited for him to pee after his procedure and then when we got home people held him all night while he continued to just sleep sleep sleep, when it came to bed time he wasn't having it.  We did our feeding and it was bed time.  We started him out in the pack - n - play next to my side of the bed, that lasted about an hour, then I took him into the nursery and rocked him, tried the pack - n - play again, not so much...and then it was time to feed again haha :)  Next we thought we would try the crib, took all of his cute bedding and stuffed animal friends, turned the monitor on, and that lasted about a half an hour.  Then Grandma to the rescue, took him downstairs tried the cradle, tried everything else we have sitting around, ended up in the car seat...and Repeat!

1st full day home...We had our appointment with the pediatrician, went great and everything looks fantastic!  We tried tummy time on his baby Einstein mat, he slept.  Then is was bath time, he's so cute in his little frog towel!!!


Kim Watkins said...

Sleep when he sleeps! I had preemie twins! You have too! Promise :)

Kere said...

First couple nights are roughless sleepless ones, but the more he stays awake for stretches before nighttime, longer periods he'll sleep. He'll get on a schedule quick, just stick to it. (although i'm one of those anal schedule type moms. hadley's almost 6 and still on a schedule).