Wednesday, January 4, 2012

9 month countdown....Week 34

Week 34 (December 28th - January 2nd)

Size of Baby: Honeydew

Size of Mommy:
Any Appointments this week: We had our 34 week appt last Friday!  All went well, but we were informed mr Ryan is breech.  I am not one that is against a c-section or anything but I am super claustrophobic and having that sheet in front of me and not being able to move while I know what is going on completely freaks me out and gives me anxiety, but on the other hand bada bing bada boom and baby is out.  Fingers are crossed he will turn around though, was told to put something cold on the top of my stomach and music on the bottom side.  Of course last night I sat and watched the tech game on the couch with frozen veggies on the top of my stomach adn Twinkle Twinkle little star on the computer sitting on my lap!  Will be getting a sonogram at the next appt to see where he's at and how big he is, OMG!! 

Ohhhhh thats New: Insomnia - Fun!!  Haha, I am def having issues in the sleeping department, can't get comfortable and takes an act of congress for me and all of my pillows to flip over every 20 seconds of the night ha!  Of the 4 days off I had this weekend I was up by 5am 2 of them and that is after laying in bed for 30-40 minutes trying to go back to sleep.  I also think that once I was done with my test I was just soooo relieved I and had all these things I wanted to do to baby prep that I was just too excited to sleep when I could be up getting things done.

Excited About:  Well Mark and Greer had their baby, a little early, but that means we are next!!  Eric has put together basically all of the "things," we did a ton of errands this past weekend to get everything needed to finish the nursery (shelves etc) and everything left we think we need for go time, I did Ryan's first load of laundry crrrrrrrrraziness, and when Eric gets back from NOLA we are going to start organizing a hospital bag!!!  

Also, sooo excited for another shower on Sunday!!  Deb's hokie friends are having a shower for me, so fun!!!

Healthy Living: Well I found banana pudding ice cream at Harris Teeter...nuff said.

Preggo- Ness: Still trucking!  I am not to the, so uncomfortable get this thing out of me point yet but things are def a LOT more difficult then they used to be haha :)

How's Dad: Well I assume he is doing just fabulous probably with a Hurricane in both hands!!  He is currently on Bourbon Street!

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