Thursday, December 22, 2011

Top 10 Thursday...Christmas Vacay in NYC!!!

I debated back and forth whether it would be a good idea for me to head to the big apple with the ladies being 32 weeks pregnant but I am so glad I made the trip.  To be able to vacay with gma and experience New York with the family was a great time!  We were super busy the entire time since Gma, Jennifer, and Madi had never seen New York!  We saw it all and here were my favorites :)

# 10 - Sweet Tooth!!  We went to the M&M's store, the Hershey store, the ice cream shop, got deserts a few times...yummmmmmy!!!!
We also spent our last night in Jersey so we could go to Carlo's bakery in the morning before we left to head home.  The baker is from the TLC series, Cake Boss.  Everything was delish and so pretty!!
# 9 - Food!  Our lunches were more exciting and NYC-ish!  One day we ate in China Town, this was a fun experience!  We got 4 dishes and shared everything, the lazy susan was a big hit, everyone had a great time playing with that, pic below!!  Whit, Debs, and I also got New York pizza one day from a hole in the wall type of place, it was fabulous!!
# 8 - Marriott Marquee- wow this was a mighty fine establishment!!  Big thank you to Mike on this one for cashing in a ton of points for us to be able to stay at a super duper ritsy fancy hotel right in the middle of Time Square!!  One day Mom, Whitney, and I came back and hung out in the lobby/restaurant area just talking and watching the elevators, it was so relaxing and great for people watching!  We had some drinks as well!  I enjoyed a Broadway Baby, it was on their non-alcoholic menu and was delish!!

# 7 - FAO Schwarz- I am just such a sucker for stuffed animals.  I found little Ryan's future rocking horse thinggy (The panda one below) I LOVE it, but of course it was a million dollars, hoping gpa Mike can make it haha :)  Whitney got a new pup, that is so cute, I actually stole it and slept with it one night, Debs got me a new panda for my collection it is adorable!!  Of course we had a lovely time in the candy section!
 # 6 - Times Square!  The Lights, the people, the hustle and bustle, the people on every corner trying to get their big break, the loud-ness, the smells...there is just so much going on all in one place it lights me up inside, literally :)  I love the crowds and the energy of times square!
 # 5 - MACYS!!!  Such a great morning at Macy's!  Debs, Whit, and I were left behind and we couldn't catch up in time to make the Statue of Liberty appt with the rest of the group so we spent the morning at Macys, all 8 floors of Macys by the way!  We went directly to the starbucks that sits over the purse and jewelry section, had a cup of coffe and some banana walnut bread and just chilled.  This was awesome, we took in all the Christmas chaos, the beautiful Christmas decorations, and then shopping it was.  We spent time in the purse section, then a lot of time on the baby floor, then we all got our make up done- such a fun and rejuvenating experience!!  I didn't take any pics of our time at Macy's but I am pretty sure mom did, will add when I get them from her camera!  The windows were amazing!!
# 4 - 9/11 Memorial  I was living in College Park at VT when it happened, I followed all of the coverage, I was glued to the TV during the 10 year anniversary, to see it in person is a whole different feeling.  The memorial is absolutely amazing, so glad I got to see this. 
# 3-The Rockets Christmas Spectacular!!   This was just fabulous and so perfect for Christmas Week!!  It was so fun to get dressed up with the gals for a big night out (of course a relative term when you are 8 months preggo) in the Big Apple!!

#2 The Tree - One of the most famous sites in NYC during Christmas is the tree is Rockefeller Center, it is a beauty!!  If seeing this doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit I don't know what would!!  The tree is huge, finding a spot to get a pic without people walking in front of you- almost impossible!!
#1 The Lion King- Debs is just the best.  The most generous, do for other people, make other people happy person I have ever met in my entire life.  On top of everything she did for everyone on this trip she got Whit and I orchestra tickets to the Lion King on Broadway.  Well if that wasn't just the coolest most amazing experience.  The whole thing was spectacular, something I have been wanting to do for a very long time and can now cross off my "Gotta Do Gotta See" List of life activities!!  Thank you so much Debs, you are the best!!!  And PS the Lion King is worth every pretty penny they ask for it :)  Hakuna Mattata!! 


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