Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pink or Blue...take a guess?!?!?

Tomorrow is our big find out the sex of the baby growing inside me day!!!  We can't wait!!  While I thought of all these super cute and fun ideas to have a big revelation party etc, when it comes down to it Eric and I won't be able to wait and tell people once we know, plus with our family all over the place these days it would be months before we could get everyone together!!!  
 Take a guess, our guess is as good as yours, and assuming lil Flip/TBD cooperates tomorrow morning we will have an answer!!  Below is what some of the relatives are guessing...

Grandma (Debs)- "I think it's a boy cause you all thought you saw his privates- I just want a healthy grandchild, don't care if it's a boy or girl- gonna have a blast with whatever it is!"
Pops (Bill) - "A beautiful granddaughter in the long line of beautiful Parker girls.  Hair as beautiful as the autumn leaves, skin as soft as winter's snow and athletic ability that will one day result in a baseketball scholarship to VA Tech.  Take it to the bank from the proudest father and soon to grandfather in the whole world."
Nona (Gisella)- "Just wants it to be healthy, and after being forced to pick, says GIRL!!!"
Grandpa (John)- Boy
Uncle Jimmy- Boy
Aunt Crystal - Boy
Uncle Billy- Boy
Aunt Ginny - Boy
Aunt Aletha- Boy
Uncle Chris-Boy, can't wait to teach him how to play golf
Aunt Whit- Boy, I'm excited to have a nephew
Uncle Brett- Boy
Aunt Tay Tay- Girl

And what do Mom and Dad Think?!?!?!

Mom- I think it's a boy, but will be happy either way, I just want a healthy baby that likes to sleep, is that too much to ask!!!  I always wanted an older brother and let's face it...boys loveeeee their mommas!!!! 

Dad- It's a boy and he is excited to hang out with the baby on the couch- ha!

What the "professionals" are prediciting:

The Chinese Pregnancy calendar says: Boy
Quiz on Childbirth.org: 55% chance it's a girl
The Quintero's Pencil Test: Always said Girl Girl Boy


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