Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9 month Countdown ...Week 18

Week 18 (September 7-13th)

Size of Baby: Sweet Sweet Potato!!!

and a new addition...size of Mommy haha:

Any Appts: Yes we had a big one this morning, and now we know what we are having!!!!  Will have to wait until Eric gets home and can scan in the pics, no story is as good without pictures!!!

Ooooh thats new: Sooooo HUNGRY!!!!  I am seriously starving all the time, then I fill up super quickly, and then 5 minutes later HUNGEEERRRRR.  Trying to eat a little a lot of times.  Also, I learned Candy Corn is not only the greatest candy cuz it's amazing, but being pure sugar makes the baby kick and move and I can feel it!!!

Excited about: Everything!!!  We had our big sono today and everything looked great!!!

Missing: Not really missing anything, no cravings or anything either, pretty boring haha!

Healthy Living:  Besides the candy corn pumpkins I have been excellent this week.
Preggo-Ness:  So we have been watching a lot of "Baby Story" episodes over the past few weeks and I find myself crying often, thank you hormones!  This week there were a few episodes I could relate to mostly because the "mom" was more scared of the epidural than the actual delivery, yeah that's me.  I hate needles and hospitals, pretty much a terrible patient!!  but guess what, they all made it, and now they have their little babies!!

How's Dad???: absolutely wonderful, I'm a lucky girl!!

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