Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Boy or Girl

We found out this morning what we are having!!  We are both so excited!!  Today's sono was amazing, we saw everything, they measured everything, and took pics of it all!!  It was sooooo neat to see a baby on the screen but I still can't believe all of that is inside of me, bones and all.  Everything looked great, baby is measuring a week ahead of schedule, gonna be HUGE I have a feeling, still wondering how it is going to get out but the doc assures me "oh it will."  So anyways Girl or Boy what will it be, well here's what we know.....

Baby looked sooooo cute!!!!!  Just chillin upside down, we got to see stretching and all...

Has Hands and Feet and Fingers and Toes, a brain, a Femur bone, and all that other jazz...
 Baby is going to love sports!!!!

Oh yeah that's right, Eric and I both LOVE sports!!!!
Callie will remain the princess of the house, which is a good thing, I am worried about her and this whole baby thing...

So while going through the sonogram, baby mooned us at first then it flipped over and that's when we saw the sure tell tale sign.....

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!
Lotsa Blue coming to our house!!!

And look how cute my co-worker is...she brought in cupcakes to celebrate and pink and blue dye which she made up as soon as she found out!!!

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